The Honey and The Sting

Beit Polska and Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland present a new series

Freighted Legacies: The Culture and History of Jewish Interactions in Poland

The Honey and The Sting by Rabbi Walter Rothschild, author, with Rabbi Alan Iser, Drs. Lena Magnon and Miroslaw Patalon

A comprehensive introduction to Judaism in Polish… is there a need? The Honey and The Sting is
about to be published in Polish. This project is an opening to people curious about modern Judaism
both its merits and its struggles.

About the speakers:
Rabbi Walter Rothschild has vast experience in teaching Judaism in the European context and has
served as visiting rabbi for Beit Polska and many other communities. About the book and about
Rabbi Rothschild:

Rabbi Alan Iser is a lecturer in religious studies and theology at several Catholic seminaries in
Philadelphia. He is a former congregational rabbi and has visited Poland several times as a visiting

Lena Magnone is an assistant professor at University of Warsaw working in the area of cultural

Miroslaw Patalon is a full professor in social sciences at University of Gdansk since 2011.
We extend a special invitation to people studying for conversion in congregations throughout the
world to join us for this discussion.
The program will provide an opportunity for questions and engagement with the panel about
contemporary challenges faced by people seeking participation and knowledge of Jewish life and its

Cedaka צדקה PAYPAL

Bank transfer details

Beit Polska – Związek Postępowych Gmin Żydowskich
Account number:

Bank Pekao S.A.
IBAN: PL47 1240 1040 1111 0010 3311 7066

Transfer title: “Donation for statutory objectives for Beit Warszawa”

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